
800-344-3371 for Las Vegas, NV
702-228-3670 for Technical Support

Products 1-4 of 4
6ft DB9 Female to Female Serial RS232 Null Modem Cable CC2045-06 037229330472 Cable, Serial RS232 Null Modem, DB9F/F, 6ft CC2045-06N   132803 YW3108 CC204506 CC2045-06  cables feet foot   2370 IMCE microcenter Edward Matthews Approved
MSRP: Price: Login
6ft DB9 Female to Female Serial RS232 Null Modem Cable
Part # CC2045-06N
QTY on Hand: 181
Availability: In Stock

Connects any RS232 serial device with DTE DB9 to PC with DB9 serial port. This null modem cable also allows you to transfer files between two computers using its DB9 serial port as well as all RS232 DTE to DTE connections. Works with file transfer...[more info]

10ft DB9 Female to Female Serial RS232 Null Modem Cable CC2045-10 037229330489 Cable, Serial RS232 Null Modem, DB9F/F, 10ft CC2045-06N   132837 N06305 CC204510 CC2045-10  cables feet foot   2371 IMCE microcenter Edward Matthews Approved
MSRP: Price: Login
10ft DB9 Female to Female Serial RS232 Null Modem Cable
Part # CC2045-10N
QTY on Hand: 168
Availability: In Stock

Connects any RS232 serial device with DTE DB9 to PC with DB9 serial port. This null modem cable also allows you to transfer files between two computers using its DB9 serial port as well as all RS232 DTE to DTE connections. Works with file transfer...[more info]

DB9 Female to DB25 Female RS232 Serial Null Modem Adaptor CC2046-FF 037229330465 Adaptor, Serial RS232 Null Modem, DB9F/DB25F CC2046FF CC2046-FF adapters adaptors     2374
Bargain Bin!
MSRP: Price: Login
DB9 Female to DB25 Female RS232 Serial Null Modem Adaptor
Part # CC2046-FF
QTY on Hand: 767
Availability: In Stock

Connects any RS232 serial device with DTE DB9 to PC with DB25 serial port. This null modem adaptor also allows you to transfer files between two computers using its DB25 or DB9 serial port along with a DB25 or DB9 straight thru cable as well as all...[more info]

DB9 Male to Female Standard Serial RS232 Null Modem Adaptor PSDB9X 037229330533 Adaptor, Standard Serial RS232 Null Modem, DB9M/F CC2045B     PSDB9X PSDB9X adapters adaptors     3672
MSRP: Price: Login
DB9 Male to Female Standard Serial RS232 Null Modem Adaptor
Part # PSDB9X
QTY on Hand: 9
Availability: In Stock

Connects any RS232 serial device with DTE DB9 port to PC with DB9 serial port using straight thru DB9 cable. This null modem adaptor converts any serial DTE DB9 port into DCE DB9 port. Pin-Out: 2-3 / 3-2 / 4-1,6 / 5-5 / 1,6-4 / 7-8 / 8-7....[more info]


30727 Beverly Road
Romulus, MI 48174
Phone: 734-641-6700
Fax: 734-641-6767


2731 Crimson Canyon Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone: 702-228-3670
Fax: 702-228-3671

Technical Support

Mon-Fri / 8:00AM-5:00PM PST

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